“Music gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.”

Attributed to Plato



My name is Clarissa Zaruk and I'm a multicultural/multilingual pianist, teacher, athlete and creative who has performed and taught internationally.



Since graduating with a Masters in piano performance (2018), I have performed as a Soloist, Chamber musician and accompanist in various countries and settings.


As a Teacher, my mission is to inspire and support students in reaching their fullest Musical Potential through a wholistic, joy filled and gentle teaching approach.


My main musical interests currently are playing and performing works from modern day composers and collaborating with local artists and communities.



One of my latest videos recorded in a the context of Lazy Friday Jam Sessions organised by Chris of Home Concerts in Dubai.

Chamber Music

Exerpt from the concert at the Alliance Française in March 2022, Journey through the Melodies, with soprano Maria Reynaldo De Los Angeles from Argentina.


This Piece is composed in 2018 and dedicated to Ember Ashe.

2 lessons that transpired through this composition:

1) There is beauty and light to be experienced in the darkest of moments.

2) When you don’t have the words to express something, say it in Music.


Exerpts of Covid Times, exploring and performing varied musical styles with Belgian crooner singer, Wim Hoste.


Furthering explorations in different musical styles, I collaborated with various local artists and communities in UAE (including Reverb Room, Home Concerts, Jam DXB, Musical Improv ME) for pop and soft rock covers.

Get in touch

Whether you are inquiring for a performance, for teaching availabilities, potential collaborations or just want to drop by and say hello, I will be happy to hear from you. As Life and Music are experienced best out there in the Real World, I will do my best to respond to you within 3 to 5 working days!